High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Unit
Unit Manager
Dr. Noemí Cabello
Unit Technician
Vanessa Martínez / Carly Chedotal

In 2019 the number of analyses was the highest in the last five years and represents the highest number of analyses per sample ever. This is mainly due to the nature of the studies performed, like the determination of isotope ratio in labeled compounds or studies on the influence of the injection solvent in labile analytes.

During 2019, the use of the coldspray ionization device also increased compared to 2018. Up to 39 different samples were analyzed using this ionization method, resulting in excellent results for the study of reaction mechanisms and characterization of a wide variety of organometallics complexes based on Co, Cu, Fe, Au, Ag.
2019 MS analysis: ionization methods required

- URV/ICIQ MSc in Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design Dr. Noemí Cabello.
- Two seminars about basics on MS and the use of the MS Unit. These seminars are mandatory for new users and are given by Dr. Noemí Cabello.
- Dr. Noemí Cabello participates in the “Bojos per la Química” programme.